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← Go to ”Welcome to the PSI-LO! This is the Location Station for all your, “Magical Mushroom,” wants and need's. PSI-LO is a safe space, not only for the recreational and medicinal user, but also the one who is seeking to learn more about it’s Magical potential and limitless possibilities! Here you will be able to help educate and share experience through the wonderful world of Psilocybin a.k.a. “Magic Mushrooms.” My mission is not only to help bring it to legal status nation wide, but more importantly help aid in the ongoing efforts to offer a better solution for the one who continues to suffer with Mental Health and or Addiction Issue’s. Together We CAN and WILL make a difference! Magic Mushrooms allowed me a complete reset and gave me a life in which I not only dreamt, but more importantly deserved! It’s my turn to give back! I’m all in, are YOU?”